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Over RMB200 mln Central Prospecting Fund injected in Dongsheng coalfield

——Over RMB200 mln Central Prospecting Fund injected

2009-10-10 17:25:34 China Energy Net

It’s learned over RMB200 million Central Prospecting Fund will be poured in the prospecting of Dongsheng coalfield in Erdos City, sources reported.
Reportedly, the project has a planned investment of 207.04 million yuan. It consists of 2 projects including Chejiaqu-Wulianzaizi segment census and coal census in east Hangzhou. The total prospecting area is around 965 square km. The prospecting task is expected to be fully completed by the year 2010. And the result report is to be submitted in 2011. Coal reserve there is estimated to be 26.3 billion tons.
At present, field census job has started on the project. Industry insiders believe the implementation of the project is significant in further exploring coal reserves of Dongsheng coalfield, promoting local economic development and enhancing the guarantee capacity of Inner Mongolia for national energy security.


責任編輯: 中國能源網